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Straight up – the preparation of my heart for this upcoming mission and travel has not been easy. I absolutely did not expect it to be, and I doubt its going to get any easier, but nonetheless can state confidently that there has been so much joy and freedom. My photography gig has been fairly successful the past few weeks, and fundraising has been going well. 

In fact, I’m just about one third of the way to the final goal! I know it isn’t a lot, but the Lord is faithful and I am so thankful for his provision. 

As of a few months ago me and one of my (new) squad mates have been leading the squad in intercession. I’ve seen first hand the goodness of the Lord in myself and in others and I can’t lie – I’m so glad I get to be a part of this. The words that my squamates have spoken and prayed, and the works of the Holy Spirit that I have already been able to see. Pieces of prophesy and vision that have been prayed over for a number of weeks are beginning to make sense, and as I’ve said many times before, God is on the move! 

I know this update was quick, but I leave you with one request: 

Please be in prayer for me and please consider supporting me financially as I dive deeper into the word and continue my time of fasting/praying/studying; I highly value this time before our official training starts. I believe this time of preparation will play a key role in the effectiveness and life of our training and ministry. 


Ill be back soon with more updates, fingers crossed! 


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